Daniele Casciano

Daniele Casciano

Daniele Casciano

Daniele is Associate Professor of “Transport Law” and “Logistics, Transport and International Trade Law” at the University of Udine. He is also a practicing lawyer, member of the Trieste Bar Association and partner of LawFed – Studio Legale Antonini.

He graduated at the University of Bologna magna cum laude (2002), subsequently obtaining an LL.M. (Maritime Law) from the University of Southampton (2003) and a Ph.D. in Law and Economics of the Production Systems, Transport and Logistics from the University of Udine (2010). Before becoming a tenured professor, he has been lecturing extensively on Transport Law and Insurance Law at the University of Udine since 2016, both in undergraduate as well as in Ph.D. courses, being named expert of Navigation Law, Transport Law and Commercial Law at the University of Udine and of Navigation Law at the University of Trieste.

He is member of the editorial boards of the Journal “Diritto dei Trasporti” and of the Croatian Journal “Comparative Maritime Law”, as well as of the scientific committee of the “Rivista italiana di diritto del turismo”.

He is member of the Associazione Italiana di Diritto Marittimo (AIDIM,) of the Istituto per lo Studio del Diritto dei Trasporti (ISDIT), and of the Associazione Italiana di Diritto della Navigazione e dei Trasporti (AIDINAT).

Author of a monograph on P&I insurance and of several articles and case notes on maritime, transport and international trade law.